100 Life Challenge!

100 life100 LIFE Challenge!!!
When was the last time someone reached out to you and said or did something kind to lift you up? When is the last time YOU reached out to someone else to add value to their day?

It only takes ONE person to start a ripple effect of change. This February, in honor of Valentines day, let’s start a ripple effect of adding value to those around us and aim to add value to 100 lives this month!

Add value over the next 29 days by doing things like:
* Sending an encouraging message to someone
* Pay for someone’s coffee behind you in a coffee shop
* Do some else’s chore at home
* Prep a meal for a family
* Bring someone coffee or tea in bed
* Let someone cut in front of you in line
* Put a nice note in someone’s lunchbox
* Leave a nice note on your restaurant check
* Give someone a specific compliment

To start this ripple effect:
1. PRINT out this form to keep track: http://bit.ly/20CVlCk
2. Take a PICTURE with the form and post
3. TAG 10 friends to join you in the challenge!!!
